Our Services


Our Training Programs are tailored to suit the needs of the organization in question. We take into account every individual needs and plan the training to meet the immediate and future needs of the organization. We offer diverse and structured trainings in

-Workplace Ergonomics and Wellness.

-Stress Management.

-Psychology at Work.

-Healthy Living for the Future.

-Sleep Hygiene and Time management for Productivity.

-Safety and Health in the School Environment.

-Health and Safety in the Home.

-Food Safety and Hygiene.

-First Aid ,Health and Safety in the Workplace.

-Basic Cardiopulmonary and Life Saving in the Workplace.


Our Assessment and Survey covers the entire workplace in line with the health concerns of every individual. They range from physical, social, environmental, psychological, behavioural and human factors. We employ high standard techniques for measuring root cause factors that can affect the individual well-being at work. This is aimed at reducing and eliminating the health hazards that may result in worker compensation, claims, low productivity and health damages over the years. Assessment and survey include but are not limited to

-Workplace Ergonomics and Human Factors.

-Individual Health assessment including posture and functional movement.

-Office Ergonomics.

-Company Wide Health Checks.

-Mental Health Assessment.


Because we believe the work place is not supposed to be death trap but rather an enjoyable experience for interaction team work and productivity,  we plan and implement effective and standard Workplace Fitness Activities to keep individuals’ energy high and rejuvenate their minds and bodies through our unique programs. These activities are designed to improve posture, relieve stress and increase focus at work.

-Workplace Yoga.

-Meditation to increase focus and mindfulness.

-Fitness and Aerobics at the workplace.

-Swimming and Water aerobics for weekends and retreats.

-Team bonding activities for retreats.



Basic Workplace Massage Therapy for individuals who experience acute and chronic pain at work.



Sales of standard ergonomic furniture , equipment and accompanying accessories.



Long distance Consultation services on Ergonomics, Health, Safety and Wellness.